Free Cheltenham Festival preview videos now available!
The countdown is now firmly on!
In less than 2 weeks the famous Cheltenham roar will be lifting the roof off Prestbury Park as the tapes go up in the Supreme Novices Hurdle.
There are preview evenings for the 4 day bonanza springing up all over the place; even my local corner shop is having one!
Most of us, however, can’t make a preview evening. There are the kids to see to, you are snowed under at work, you have to drop your other half off at Zumba (!?!), you have to take the dog(s) to the vets, your wife has grounded you….. you get the picture here!
Well worry no more, for I have the solution. I recently appeared as ‘special guest’ (I’ll never get bored of that!) on the inaugural JPFestival.com Cheltenham Festival preview videos which are FREE (yes FREE) to view on YouTube.
Bored at work and can’t stop thinking about the Festival? Then simply sneak onto the old YouTube and get watching the videos!
Sitting around waiting to pick the missus up from her Zumba class? Fire up your smart phone/iPad and watch us disect some of the top 2012 Cheltenham contests!
Your other half has banished you to the spare bedroom? Take full advantage by firing up the laptop and getting some pointers from us direct from the track!
Stuck in some tucked away corner of the UK (or indeed the north of Scotland!) and there is no preview evening for miles around? Get on YouTube, watch the videos and wonder how I keep my beard looking so damn trim!
No more shall you miss out on a Cheltenham preview due to life’s various (and downright annoying!) restrictions.
We have put 9 of the top races in focus –
Day 1
The Supreme Novices’ Hurdle – Irish or home trained winner of the first? Get the preview here – Supreme Novices’ preview
The Arkle Chase – Is Sprinter Sacre beatable? Get the preview here – Arkle Chase preview
The Champion Hurdle – Can anyone touch ‘The Fly’? Get the preview here – Champion Hurdle preview
Day 2
The RSA Chase – Grands Crus or not Grands Crus? – Get the preview here – RSA Chase preview
The Queen Mother Champion Chase – Are there any outsiders we should be considering? Get the preview here – QMCC preview
Day 3
The Ryanair Chase – A hot race but who ticks the boxes for us? Get the preview here – Ryanair Chase preview
The World Hurdle – Is there any chance Big Bucks will get turned over? Get the preview here – World Hurdle preview
Day 4
The Triumph Hurdle – Never an easy race to solve but which juveniles catch our eye? Get the preview here – Triumph Hurdle preview
The Cheltenham Gold Cup – Long Run or Kauto or a new name on the cup? Get the preview here – Cheltenham Gold Cup preview
Plenty there for you to get stuck into and comment on. So what you waiting for?? Get viewing today!
*Remember these are my thoughts at the time of filming; a lot can happen in the space of 2 weeks in racing (the current Kauto Star news is testament to that). My final selections will be made the evening before racing as is always the case with my NTF guides. Current subscribers to my National Hunt service will get the usual in-depth look at the above races (and many more) in the same tried and tested NTF fashion as they have been getting all National Hunt season long. I will be opening up a number of slots on the service for those of you that want to join only for Cheltenham week. To keep updated on this simply join the FREE NTF service by popping your name in the form at the top of the site.
Best regards – Ben (NTF)
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